Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Always NPH!

اهریمن تازه وقت کرده مراسم تونی امسال رو کامل ببینه! امروز میگه کاملا بهت حق دادم انقدر اینو دوست داشته باشی! و دیالوگ اینطوری ادامه پیدا می کنه:

A: wasn't he awesome?
B: He was beyond awesome! He was legen …. wait for it …. dary! Capital L! Capital D!
A: You liked the duet with Hugh Jackman!
B: That was amazing and the ending rap....
A: Pure awesome! And making everybody sing...
B: Superb! and Broadway, it's not for gays anymore!
A: Hilarious! and double suiting up ….

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